If you are one of those who needs some organization with your personal finances iMoney is just for you. With this program you will be able to organize and manage all your personal finances quickly and in a very easy and intuitive way.
This program is made to manage home accounting.
You will have all the information of your personal finances in one place.
Some of the features that this great program offers are :
- managing and creating budgets;
- making financial math in many currencies;
- tracking performance of investments;
- dividing expense and income;
- managing income and expense categories;
- securing financial information;
- tracking spending habits.
The last function will help you to see where your money goes. Moreover this program has a friendly interface and very nice graphics.
With this program you will be able to manage and see all your financial statement every time. The information is in real time. You will be able to control you expenses and have a detailed information about your expenses.